Thursday, October 30, 2014

SY Class 10-30-14

Our beautiful pumpkin art.

Today we estimate how many candy corn were in a jar.  The small jar had 51 and Friday we will count how many in the big jar.

Some great cooperative play took place in the sand box around building a volcano!

The best news of the day was that our class pumpkin, "Spikey," took the blue ribbon for the best group pumpkin at the pumpkin illumination at Lee Mansion!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

First Year Class 10-29-14

Today was Halloween Party Day!!

Second Year Class 10-28-14

Lunch bunch art- we drew pumpkins, then painted them with a colorful mixture of yellow, red, and white to get different shades of orange.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

FY class 10-27-14

We decorated goody bags for our Halloween party with lots of great spooky stickers.

We had music with Dara today too!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Second Year Class 10-23-14

We wove webs.

We Painted pumpkins.

And made a crazy-hair pumpkin with for the pumpkin iIllumination at the Lee Mansion!  Thank you Samantha R. for bringing both pumpkin projects!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

First Yeaf Class Field Trip

A very wet day a Brooksby Farm!

Donuts and cider.

Picking Pumpkins.

And lots of puddles!

Second year class 10-21-14


Finger painting fun.

Feeding the babies.


We love the candy game.

First year - 10-19-14

Hay ride collages.

Impressionist painter at work!